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The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

The Review

The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

The Review

The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

The Review

Director of Clinical Services Colleen Kimball performs "Quando m’en vo" featuring choir director Brendan Emig as her occasional boyfriend.

An assembly to remember: the SJS inaugural teacher talent show

Isabella Adachi and Genevieve Ederle October 5, 2023

As lights dimmed in the auditorium, students watched the stage in silence, awaiting the final performance. Within an instant, music blared overhead, and teachers poured onstage in brightly-colored house...

The class observes work by Jackson Pollock, an American artist known for his unique style of drip-painting.

AP Art History explores New York museums, views artwork off the page

Eli Maierson, Staff Writer March 23, 2017
The AP Art History class travelled to New York City to visit art museums and watch the opera "La Traviata."
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The official student newspaper of St. John's School.