Top Ten promposals
April 14, 2016
From the start of spring break to the Friday before prom, juniors and seniors were showing off their creativity and impressing their dates with promposals. Although prom on April 10 at La Colombe D’or was a special night, the moments leading up to it were just as memorable. Here are ten promposals that went beyond making a poster and required cleverness, perfect planning or simply lots of effort. Underclassmen, take note!
10. James Southwick to Gracie Firestone, seniors
Southwick pulled off a puntastic promposal when he brought a Firestone tire to school that read, “Roll to prom with me?”

9. Jarrell Sims to Emma Shea, juniors
Knowing how much Shea enjoyed Lush products, Sims brought a gift box of bath bombs for her.

8.Charles Britton to Katherine Smith, juniors
For a pleasant surprise at the end of a long physics test, Britton got physics teacher Nolan Harris to add an extra page to the end of Smith’s test with pictures of himself and a final multiple-choice question:

7. Joe Faraguna to Dani Loya, seniors
Faraguna brought a Welsh Corgi to school and designed a colorful poster that read, “Come to prom with me or I will set the dogs on you.”

6. Christian Maines to Emily Pedrick, juniors
Maines hijacked Sadde Mohamed’s account on the Review Online and changed the masthead to “Prom, Emily?” At that moment, anyone who visited the website would see Emily’s name.

5. Matthew Walsh to Frances Hellums, juniors
A friend of Hellums’ stole her car keys and brought them to Walsh. Walsh then placed balloons tied to a note in the drivers seat while junior Evan Eisenberg climbed into the trunk. Later, Hellums was surprised by Eisenberg jumping out of the trunk and Walsh’s written promposal.
(Nyla Jennings)
4. Ethan Wang to Helen Dodd, juniors
Ethan rewrote the 1963 Beatles song “I Want to Hold Your Hand” to serenade his prom date. A group of juniors came to Mr. Friedman’s room (S105) to watch his performance.
3. Philip Kensinger to Jennifer Trieschman, seniors
While the two were on the Ambergris Caye beach in Belize, Kensinger wrote “Jenny, could you SEA us at prom?” on a conch shell and hid it in a beach house while Trieschman wasn’t looking. When she wanted to go swimming, Kensinger went to take back the shell and hid it in his waistband. He snorkeled down into the water, “found” the shell and promposed.

2. Gabe Malek to Amy Dong, seniors
Malek spent the weekend before the invite buying ram board, tissue paper, cardboard and wrapping paper at Home Depot and Lowe’s. He spent five hours over the course of two nights constructing the frame and decorating the cake. Then, Malek hid under the cake with an edible cake in hand outside of Dong’s house and asked her to answer the door, at which point he jumped out of the giant dessert.

1.Wheeler Gibson to Katherine Randall, juniors
Gibson contacted ROPO (River Oaks Police) and asked them if they could help him ask a girl to prom. Although Gibson initially wanted to have the police pull her over while he got out of the police car, the ROPO said they could not do that because of liability issues. They finally agreed on a tactic: Later that night at about 11:30 on April 1st, Gibson and the police drove in front of Randall’s house, knocked on her door and asked if she could identify a suspect. As the officer walked her down the street, Gibson jumped out of the car and said, “April Fools, want to go to prom?”