First all-school community service project bridges ages, grades

Cara Maines, Online Editor

Over 300 students, parents, teachers and alumni packed the Houston Food Bank Saturday, Nov. 22 for the first ever all-school community service project.

Junior Community Service Officer Sarah Bland proposed and planned the event with the help of Community Service Coordinator Marci Bahr.

“Sarah Bland and I were talking about a project that could be done with kindergartners through 12th graders. She has worked at the Food Bank before, so she brought that up as a possibility, and it was perfect, so we got started on putting it together,” Bahr said.

In the past, divisions have collaborated in community service events like Special Olympics, but this is the first project that has accommodated students from all grade levels. The purpose of the project was two-pronged: to allow the SJS community to give back and to allow for bonding across grade levels.

“My favorite part of the experience was seeing the enthusiasm of all the volunteers, particularly the younger children,” Bland said. “People seemed genuinely excited to serve, and it was energizing to see the enormous potential that the St. John’s community has to do good.”