Mavericks convene for spirit week traditions, rivalry with Kinkaid
Hundreds of Mavericks from all grade levels shout from the bleachers as the football team storms the field. Senior Dian Yu executes an aerial alongside her fellow cheerleaders, filling the air with cheers and applause from the crowd.
On Oct. 28, all students and faculty gathered at Skip Lee Field to watch the all-school pep rally, which featured Drum Corps and both cheerleading teams. As one of the largest events of Kinkaid Week, the all-school pep rally is a prelude to the annual football game between Kinkaid and St. John’s at Rice Stadium.
“Kinkaid Week is always super exciting,” Yu said. “Every single person feels really engaged.”
The weekend before Kinkaid Week began, Spirit Club and volunteers decorated the entire North Campus with ribbons, hand-painted banners and spirited phrases scribbled on windows, all in accordance with this year’s ‘70s theme.
“My favorite decoration this year was the painted banners,” said senior Evie Barrett, one of the Spirit Club captains. “They were the most rewarding thing to see because we all helped make them.”
Spirit Club started preparing for Kinkaid week over a month in advance.
“We designed the shirt around mid-September,” Barrett said. “It took lots of thought. Lots of hours.”
Eventually, the campus was ready for Monday’s activities—“Dress Like Kinkaid” day and the Homecoming dance. On “Dress Like Kinkaid” day, seniors mock Kinkaid students by wearing tiaras and gaudy capes in purple and gold. At the same time, Kinkaid seniors rib St John’s students with pocket protectors, blocky glasses and calculators.
Coordinated by SAC, Homecoming centered around the ‘70s theme. Giant disco balls and colorful ribbons lined the Great Lawn as students mingled in flare pants and sequined headbands.
“We didn’t have a Homecoming last year,” said Head Prefect Matthew Perez. “So we had to go big in terms of festivities and activities.”
Despite the excitement from these events, Barrett, Perez and Yu all agree that the all-school pep rally is the highlight of Kinkaid Week.
“There’s no better sight than seeing everybody come together,” Perez said. “It really just sparks some joy.”
The all-school pep rally started with a performance by Drum Corps before JV Cheer and Varsity Football rushed the field. Both groups then made way for the football captains Stefan Gustafson, Miles Masterson, John Perdue and Michael Skaribas. Creeping up behind them was the Kinkaid Falcon, armed with rope. Cheerleaders and football players feigned surprise while the Lower Schoolers gasped and pointed at the Falcon tying Gustafson, Masterson, Perdue and Skaribas together.
“The all-school pep rally is definitely catered to the younger kids,” Barrett said. “It’s really for them.”
The Lower School students’ shock turned into excitement as the Maverick Guard rushed to rescue the captains. The Maverick Guard, comprised of senior girls, who donned red-and-white jerseys designed by Barrett, were unable to accomplish their goal.
The cheerleaders followed behind, successfully trampling the Falcon and freeing the captains before launching into a routine.
At the end of the pep rally, kindergartners partook in the “Cookie Monster Cheer.” During the chant, cheerleaders and football players lifted kindergartners onto their shoulders.
“The kindergarteners were looking up to us, and we just wanted to be there for them as role models,” said Perez, who also plays on the football team.
The Upper School pep rally, held in the VST, is another tradition. The rally started off with a rendition of Queen’s “We Will Rock You” performed by Drum Corps, followed by performances from the cheerleaders. After technical difficulties, Spirit Club unveiled the annual Kinkaid Video.
This year’s Kinkaid Video was about four Maverick stuffed animals and the football captains’ journey to protect them. Among other things, the video contained the Infinity Gauntlet, dancing to Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance,” a trip to Greece and a Quiz Bowl match that determined the fate of the school.
After five days of activities, Mavericks of all ages returned to Rice Stadium to watch the yearly showdown between Kinkaid and St. John’s. The football team came up short 34-24, finishing their season with a 7-2 record.

Aleena Gilani ('25) joined The Review in 2021 as a freshman. She is a big fan of Tootsie Rolls and the show Community.

Elizabeth Hu ('25) joined The Review in 2021 as a freshman. Her guilty pleasure is plain bagels (no cream cheese, no spices, no nothing...), and she's...

Lexi Guo ('23) joined The Review in 2020 as a sophomore. She is obsessed with sunsets, and her favorite apps are Pinterest, Notion, and Studio.