Jackson Jhin (‘13) makes Forbes 30 Under 30

Business is ‘brewing’ at alum Ryan Soroka’s 8th Wonder Brewery

Caroline Frost (‘99) releases debut novel, “Shadows of Pecan Hollow”

Marlinball: How an SJS alum turned his love of baseball, differential equations, into an MLB career

Alumna creates nonprofit, provides telehealth access for seniors

Election escapades: Examining experiences and impacts of the 2020 election

“The Lost Husband” hits number one on Netflix

Katherine Center’s (’90) “The Lost Husband” adapted into film

Congresswoman Lizzie Pannill Fletcher (’93) speaks to SPEC, WHEE
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If you could change one thing about your school schedule, what would it be?
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Question 1/9
Which weird emoji do you identify best with?
Question 2/9
To you, what color best matches 7x7 = 49?
Question 3/9
How do you sit in your chair?
Question 4/9
Choose a slime
Question 5/9
Which villain deserves a second chance?
Question 6/9
Which one is cake?


Water Bottle



Egg carton

Amazon package
None of them
Question 7/9
Favorite time of day?
Question 8/9
Sisyphus is rolling a boulder towards the Grand Hilbert Hotel. The hotel has an infinite number of rooms, but they are all full, so they may not be able to accommodate him or his boulder. If you choose to divert him, his boulder will destroy the Ship of Theseus. But the ship has had all of its constituent parts replaced, so it may not actually be the same ship. Is Sisyphus happy?

Question 9/9
What's your cutie mark?