WHEE members prepare signs, attend the Women’s March
Several members of WHEE attended the Women’s March on Jan. 25.
The Women’s March is an annual tradition in Houston, but this year it drew a larger and younger crowd than ever before. Speakers urged the hundreds of high school and middle school students who attended to be informed and join political and feminist clubs at school.
Hundreds of men and women alike gathered at Bayou Bend Park at 9 a.m. on Jan. 25 to begin the march to City Hall where speakers advocated for causes such as sexual assault prevention, climate change awareness and gender equality in the workplace. Marchers held large signs of glittery uteruses and caricatures of President Donald Trump behind bars.
In preparation for the March, Women Helping Empower Each Other made signs. The meeting encouraged some students who attended to further involve themselves with WHEE.
“WHEE always has such cool activities, and going to the Women’s March really made me want to learn more about it,” freshman Ava Steely said. “It just made me remember how we have such a great community of women at school.”
Mayor Sylvester Turner spoke in support of Planned Parenthood, Houston Poet Laureate Deborah D. E. E. P. Mouton read a poem about the tribulations of being a woman in America and Congressional hopeful Sima Ladjevardian promoted the Violence Against Women Act and emphasized its importance in protecting American women.
“Women, no matter skin color, religion or sexuality are needed to support each other,” said Sheila Lee, Representative of Texas’ 18th District.
After the rally, the protestors were asked to complete their voting registration and call the offices of Republican Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz to ask for changes in government. The numbers of calls made were displayed on signs around the rally, and speakers asked attendants to take photos.
“It was empowering to be a part of such a unified, large group of people fighting to achieve the same goals,” freshman Lia Symer said.
Lee spoke about her experience as a woman in politics and how she refused to let it hold her back. She specifically mentioned the difficulty of being a woman of color in a field dominated by white men.
“Her speech really moved me because it reminded me that being a woman is something to be proud of,” Steely said. “Women supporting women is so beautiful.”

Noelle is a sophomore, and this is her second year on Review. An avid actor, her favorite Netflix show is Spinning Out.