The official student newspaper of St. John's School.

Alice Xu

Freshman Chethan Shultz practices flashcards with a student at Etoile Academy.

Etoile Academy

On most days, the students at Etoile Academy spend their break time in silence. On Oct. 16, their quiet break was interrupted when 20 SJS freshmen entered with packs of multiplication flashcards.

Etoile Academy is a charter school designed to build both the academic and character foundation of its students. 

“I thought the school was amazing,” math teacher Paul McGee said. “The fact that this new school is helping kids, preparing them for college and teaching them the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in high school is great.”

At Etoile Academy, freshmen helped the charter school students sharpen their multiplication skills and analyze pages from Rick Riordan’s “Lightning Theif”.

“I really enjoyed working with the students,” freshman Jaya Thekdi said. “They always wanted to get the right answer and figure out the problem, and it was fun to help people who were so ambitious.”

At 11:50 a.m., the freshmen filed out of the school, taking with them an unforgettable experience and an invitation to return. 

“This was eye-opening,” freshman Sebastian Vlahos said. “It was nice to see a lot of kids learning math and English, and this was a really great opportunity to help the community.”

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